Nicole Scherzinger and 50 Centdoublesthe performance oftheirtrack"Right There"thereduring the"AmericanIdol"showtheresultsfor the firsttimeonnational television. The former member of The Pussycat Dollsisgoingupbythiscollectioninclude thefirstG-Unit rapperhalfsteamedwithhersexydance"Idol"phase.
Recalling how they came together for the duet, Fiddy jokingly told MTV, "Well, I was really wanting to date her."
The D12 rapper added, "They played the song, and I said, 'OK, I'll do it. Maybe I'll get a chance to do the video and be next to her and see what happens!' "
The former member of The Pussycat Dolls said, "I wanted to kinda keep the video pretty simple because I wanted it iconic. The way you get iconic pictures and memorable videos is just by keeping it simple."
"Working like crazy and sweating lots ... I'm SO EXCITED," Nicole tweeted from the shooting location in Downtown Los Angeles last month. "Givin it to u hawaiian style! ... Shooting the vid 4 my 1st US single 'Right There' here in LA! I am so blessed! Its gonna get cray cray!"